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Here is a picture of me and my sister.
I am on the left with bangs

    Thanks so much for visiting my webpage; I cheer all loyal Hanson fans!  You guys rock!  {=0)  Please remember to sign the guestbook.  Thanks!
    Well, anyway, my name is Aura and I am now eighteen years old.  I was born March 20th which that makes me have the same birthday-month as Tay!  Wheee!!!! I am happy hehe. :-)  I am about 5'8" without shoes (hmm. . .maybe I grew more hehe - I haven't measured myself in three and a half years hehe).  My hair is long and dark brown and I have brown eyes.
    My favorite color is blue, but for clothes, I like white and black the best.  I think that white is probably the best, but the trouble with white is that it gets dirty so easily.  <sigh> hehe {=0)
    I live in a small town in the country in California(USA).  I live on about three achres and we have two homes on it.  My siblings all moved out to go to college and so now I live in a separate house from my parents and Aunt who lives with us.  I am so glad to have my own house.  I now have a computer, cd/tape/radio player, tv, two VCRs, scanner, snappy, etc.  It's really cool.  My next big purchase will hopefully be a music keyboard.  I WISH that I had one.  I want it more than anything now. {=0)
    Now, don't get me wrong.  I have a lot of things to be grateful to God for, but I do hate where I live because I cannot have cable channels.  My dad has thought about getting satellite, but he decided to wait until the Y2K thing.  Then he is going to see how much money it will be to get satellite TV.  My television is very very poor.  {=0|
    I come from a family of seven: Father, Mother, Aunt, brother(Zachary), brother(Aeron), sister(Psyche), and me.  Isn't it cool that my oldest brother's name is Zachary?  Just like Zac Hanson. hehe. . . <grin> But for short, my oldest brother is called Zack with a 'K.'
    Anyway, I was homeschooled just like Hanson!  My father taught me math while my mom would leave english assignments for me to complete.  My mom was the only one who worked in my family along with my Aunt.  I was homeschooled until I was fourteen and then took a college course - which was drawing.  I love drawing.  Since it was my first class, my mom took the class with me as she had done for my sister and my father had done with my two brothers.  I have been in college for about four years now and I have earned a 3.815 GPA which I am proud of, but I wish that it was better.  It is really weird in college because I found that I get better grades than most people there who are older than me.  I just turned eighteen and am now at the regular age of many students there, but when I was fourteen I was getting better grades and people who were 30 and older.  Even now I get better grades than those who are older than I.  It's weird, but I love it!
    I love to go shopping. . . I most of the time like clothes shopping now.  I used to buy all the teen magazines and stuff, but now I like to clothes shop.  If I want to buy stuff, I'll usually find it over the internet like at Ebay or Yahoo auctions.  I enjoy  playing volleyball, tennis, and basketball.  I used to be very big on basketball and used to play with my siblings all the time.  But now they all left and so I stopped playing.  Last month I went outside to shoot some hoops, but I couldnt' even reach the rim for a while <laughing>  I guess that's what happens when you don't play for about two years or so hehe <laughing>.  My muscles disappeared hehe.
    I also listen to music.  My favorite bands are Hanson, Richard Marx, Alison Krousse, Enya, Celin Dion, Jackson Browne, Britney Spears, Nsync, Sarah Brightman, and Tracey Chapman.  I also watch TV.   I try to regularly watch entertainment programs on TV like Entertainment Tonight and Access Hollywood (in case Hanson is on them), and Buffy The Vampire Slayer.  I also watch General Hosptial.  I find it interesting.  I like Liz, Lucky, the OLD Nickolas, Emily, and Juan.  I also watch some basketball games because I like these two guys, Ryan Robertson ( Ryan Robertson's Palace ) and Jeff Boschee (  Jeff Boschee's Galaxy ).  Ryan used to play on Kansas Jayhawks in college and Jeff does now.  Ryan graduated to the Pro team Sacramento Kings.
    I also enjoy surfing the internet for Hanson, Ryan Robertson, Jeff Boschee, and Jonathan Jackson.  I chat with the AOL Instant Messenger to my friends and during school semesters I help classmates and friends with their homework.  My friends are really sweet and I would like to name them all, but I can't because some might not want to be publically named.  Anyway I will only use first name in this case unless the names are very uncommon. :-)  hehe !  Here are some of my bestest friends that I know in person!  LiLing, Carlos, Michael, My family, Amanda, Tina, Zihan, Angie, Jennifer (cousin), Maria hmm. . . okay. . .that's all that I know personally.  Here are my internet friends:  Leanne, Kelli, Laura, Dez, Tracey, Jean, Jean (aka Marie Jean), Shannon, Jenna, Jo, and Maggie2 (aka Justin, Kelly, Britney, Uma), Erin, Kimmy, SlvrTigr49, Frida, Bethy, Cassi, Jennifer (my first friend ever - where ever you are now - love you girl!), Shannon, Carrie, Rah, Bonnie, and Melisa.   These are a few of my internet friends. I could not name some of my other friends though. :-)
    My favorite crushes are: Taylor Hanson, Ryan Robertson, Jeff Boschee, Vincent Kartheiser (actor from Alaska, Masterminds, and Indian In The Cupboard), Isaac Hanson, Zac Hanson, and then this guy who used to go to my school - Hi sweet Carlos.
    Anyway, I first found out about Hanson, around June of 1997, via teen magazines which I was buying for pictures of Vincent Kartheiser.  I saw pictures of Hanson and I kind of liked Isaac thus I started collecting pictures.  Soon, I went to my local Walmart and so happened to catch a glimpse of Hanson's Middle Of Nowhere cassette in the store for only $8.99! I was really surprised because it was really cheap - especially since Hanson was a new band.  So, I bought the cassette tape and then went home and played it.  I heard this really different sounding music as I listend.  It didn't sound at all like my regular music that I used to listen to like Richard Marx or Tracey Chapman, it was really kiddish.  As I listened to it more, I began to like it more and more.  Now I like it much better than other bands that I listen to.  I looked at the pictuers inside the cassette box and I noticed Taylor - the yellow picture with the headphones on singing between Ike and Zac.  From then on I began to like Taylor best. :-)  The next day I went back to Walmart and bought the cd.  There were these TV sets on display in Walmart playing music videos.  My sister who was really into the Wallflowers saw the "One Headlight."  Then during the video, my sister mentioned, "Just think if Hanson was on afterwards?"  and sure enough - right after the Wallflowers video, Hanson's MMMBop video came on! I was sooo happy because it was the first time that I ever saw the video.  After that I went searching on the internet for Hanson.  That's how I began to like Hanson. :-)
    I love that Hanson are the perfect role models.  They are kind and thankful to their fans and stuff and they also believe in God which is awesome! They are totally against alcoholic drinking, smoking, cursing, and taking drugs!  They are really smart and look at things very logically. I think that they are perfect role models for society!
     I think that "MMMBop, I Will Come To You, Yearbook, Weird, and With You In Your Dreams" are the best songs that Hanson has sung. :-) They are awesome!  I have all their records whcih I am really happy about.  I have copies of MMMBop and Boomerang, I have Middle Of Nowhere, Snowed In, and 3 Car Garage.

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