Isaac Hanson

Name: Clarke Isaac Hanson
Birthdate: November 17, 1980
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 135 lbs(I think)
Favorite Food: Macaroni & Cheese, Spagetti, Lasagna, steak, and chuncky peanut butter
Favorite TV Show: Seinfield
Favorite Actors: Mel Gibson, Arnold Schwarzeneggar, and Harrison Ford
Favorite Subject: Science, English
Favorite Color: Green
Hobbies: Roller blading, speed hockey, and basketball
Has a crush on: Cindy Crawford, Pamela Anderson, Gwen, and Baby Spice
Habit: He bits his fingernails

Other Information
    Ike hates waking up early
    Shops at GAP for clothing
    Ike has been writing a science fiction novel for over two years
    Loves his video camera
    Ike began writing songs in third grade
    Sleeps on the top bunk of the bunk bed

    "We truly enjoy each others company.  We do fight, which is only normal for brothers. But it's basically all fun."

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